May Bid On It Community
Just Added! ENDING TODAY! Accordion, Oak Furnishings, Dining Table, Grandfather Clock, U S Marshal Game, Treadle Sewing Machine, Cabinets, Lladro Collection, Glassware, Deer - Elk - Cougar Mounts and Horns, Storage Units, Rifle, Plants, Jewelry, Boots, Clothing, Golf Clubs, Tools, Decorations, Household Goods, Camping Gear, Dolls, Toys, Lumber, Wheel Chairs and MUCH MORE!
Bid on it? Big Selection. Business Liquidations, Estate Sales, Antiques, Collections, Store Returns, Auto, Motorcycles, Furnishings, Electronics.
Pickup: Wednesday until 5:00 PM, Thursday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
To see the newest additions. Sort by "Creation Time (Recent First)"
Max Bid: The bid amount placed is the maximum amount that you are willing to pay. Your maximum bid will be used to bid on your behalf until you win the lot or until bidding has exceeded your maximum bid amount.
Soft Close: Bids placed in the last 2 minutes, lot will extend for 2 minutes.
24 Hour Security.